This infographic is based on the transtheoretical model of change discussed in the presentation Using Social Media to Create and Measure Behavior Change in Public Health Campaigns. Summarizing the webinar with helpful visuals, it is an excellent reference for social media managers and public health organizations designing a public health campaign with a social media component. Connecting online and offline worlds can help public health officials reach young, tech-savvy audiences.

This model describes how social media campaigns can be used to promote healthful changes to behaviors. Social media campaigns, webinars, informative videos, images, and hotlines can all play important roles in behavior change. Activities that engage users directly, such as Q&As or influencer involvement, are more likely to initiate pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance, each of which is a distinct stage in the behavior change process. Pre-contemplation of an issue or practice raises awareness of the problem and leads to contemplation around changing a behavior; for instance, pre-contemplation and contemplation of smoking cessation can be encouraged by sharing health risks involved in continued tobacco use. Preparation encourages the individual to change their behavior, then take action, and finally to maintain the change. With the example of smoking cessation, preparation can be encouraged by sharing the health benefits of smoking cessation and resources to quit smoking. The more individuals engaged in this changed behavior and acknowledging this need for change, the more likely this changed behavior will spread and be encouraged in others. Social media can be a valuable tool for public health campaigns and cannot be ignored in the digital age.

This resource was first shared in 2018.

(PDF, 69 KB)