The Washington State Department of Commerce leads state efforts to meet the needs of people experiencing or at-risk of homelessness. In coordination with the State of Washington, Policy Research Associates developed a homeless systems map of resources available within the state. This map informs local providers and stakeholders what programs, funding streams, and resources are available through critical intercepts an individual’s entrance in and exit out homelessness.

This map is a representative snapshot in time of available statewide programs. State and local governments should use this tool to collaborate with local non-profits to stabilize housing for those at risk of homelessness, coordinate access to services for individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness and help people exit the homeless service system to safe and stable housing.

The critical intersects of the homeless service system include:

  • Intersect 0: Prevention/Diversion
  • Intersect 1: Pathways In
  • Intersect 2: Conditions of Homelessness
  • Intersect 3: Pathways Out
  • Wrap-Around Services

Unforeseen events such as job loss, unexpected medical bills, mental/physical health crisis, and family separation can force families and individuals into homelessness. Services are key to accessing housing stability, and the framework presented by this map can help connect individuals with the services and supports they need.

The homeless systems map identifies the intersections that exist throughout the homeless system and recommends appropriate services depending on one’s location in the system. By utilizing this framework, individuals and families experiencing or at risk of homeless can be connected with a variety of programs and supports that contribute to better outcomes.

This resource was first shared in 2020.


Public Research Associates. (2020). Washington homeless systems mapping. Delmar, NY: Author.

(External Link, PDF, 361 KB)