This is the final webinar in a three-part series on sleep wellness. It builds upon the previous presentations, Creating Environments for a Good Night’s Sleep, and The Intersection of Chronic Pain, Serious Mental Illness, and Trauma on Sleep. In this concluding presentation, Dr. Peggy Swarbrick provides an occupational therapy approach to developing healthy sleep habits. Occupational therapy can be helpful in establishing healthy sleep habits and routines. The presentation is a helpful resource for psychotherapists, psychologists, and therapists, and for individuals who struggle to get sufficient sleep.

Healthy sleep habits, such as practicing a pre-bedtime routine, prepare the body and mind for sleep, ensuring that an individual can both fall and stay asleep. Sleep preparation behaviors that are regularly practiced and personalized to the individual can become automatic routines that promote regular, restful sleep. Examples of such sleep habits discussed in the webinar include changing into comfortable sleeping clothes, taking a warm bath, performing relaxation exercises, and turning off electronics. The occupational therapy approach to healthy sleep habits also involves assessing and addressing existing habits that may have a negative impact on the ability to fall asleep and maintain continuous rest. Some factors that may interfere with getting restful sleep include the presence of roommates, texting before bed, and watching TV in bed. Poor sleep impacts numerous dimensions of our lives, so it is important that we take measures to support this essential component of health.

Watch the rest of this series: Part 1 | Part 2.

This resource was first shared in 2018.

(Presentation, YouTube)