This 11-page publication is supplemental material to the Enhancing Personal Capacity for Wellness webinar series. It is intended for use by people that serve in a peer support capacity, such as caregivers, peer mentors or leaders, employers, or professionals that provide mental and substance use disorder services. This publication serves as a guide for self-reflection of strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities to improve personal wellness while still maintaining the ability to support others.

Challenges may arise within our professional relationships that can cause us to react in a way that is not expected or surprises us. Reflecting on these moments can help address these challenges, process the events, and develop a procedure or plan moving forward for self-care and addressing the challenge should it arise again. The worksheets within this publication can guide self-reflection and co-reflection towards wellness.

Each page provides valuable information about personal wellness in peer support, followed by questions and prompts meant to encourage reflection. Readers are encouraged to identify their strengths, situations that may cause additional stress, strategies to combat stress, and reflect on recent challenges that caused one to react. Most often, time spent doing peer support or family support work is an experience that offers opportunities for connection, builds on strengths and is a valuable tool. This resource is meant to help peer supporters and care providers reflect on their challenges in a way that fosters personal growth without detracting from their responsibilities to those they support.

This resource was first shared in 2017.

(PDF, 234 KB)