
Older adults experiencing or at risk of homelessness present a unique set of challenges and needs throughout the Supplemental Security Income (SSI)/Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefit application process. A recent webinar hosted by the SAMHSA SOAR Technical Assistance Center, “Strategies and Considerations for Representing Older Adults with SSI/SSDI Claims,” provides valuable insights and practical solutions for service providers and beneficiaries. This webinar was held on February 27, 2024, and featured experts from the SOAR Technical Assistance Center, Justice in Aging, the Administration for Community Living, and Freestore Foodbank.

Key Takeaways

Understand the Unique Needs of Older Adults: The webinar emphasized the growing demographic of older adults experiencing and at risk of homelessness, highlighting the importance of specialized approaches to assist this population in navigating SSI/SSDI claims. Presenters discussed key factors such as increased medical needs, fixed incomes, and barriers to accessing services, underlining the need for tailored support systems.

Strategies for Successful Representation: Presenters shared strategies to represent older adults in SSI/SSDI claims effectively, including understanding the Social Security Administration’s regulations and leveraging the SOAR model to expedite claims. The speakers emphasized the importance of thorough documentation and frequent communication to address the unique challenges faced by this age group.

Innovative Programs and Resources: The webinar showcased innovative programs serving older adults, presenting a variety of resources available to secure benefits and necessary services for this demographic. Panelists highlighted successful initiatives and collaborations in their communities that can serve as models for expanding support networks for older individuals experiencing homelessness.

Lived Experience Insights: A highlight of the webinar was a discussion with a SOAR beneficiary, who shared their journey in accessing Social Security benefits with the help of a SOAR provider. Their firsthand account provided a powerful testament to the impact of dedicated support and the difference it can make in the lives of older adults.


The webinar on assisting older adults with SSI/SSDI claims offered a comprehensive overview of the challenges and solutions associated with this demographic. By understanding their specific needs, utilizing effective representation strategies, and accessing available resources, service providers can significantly improve the lives of eligible older adults experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

Watch the entire webinar to dive deeper into this topic. Visit the SOAR website to access the complete recording and additional materials to enhance your understanding and skills!

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