Photo: Clasped Hands by Rhoda Baer for NCI/NIH – Public Domain image

The Statewide Family and Consumer Networks Technical Assistance Center (FCN TA Center), operated by Policy Research Associates since 2009, is very excited to welcome and begin supporting 29 new Statewide Family Network and 15 Consumer Network Grantees (2013 cohorts below).

These grants, providing funding up to $70,000 a year for three years, help existing Statewide Family and Consumer Networks strengthen coalitions among consumers, families, policymakers and service providers.

The organizations, which are all family or consumer operated, foster support groups and offer training for leaders and the broader behavioral health community. Additionally, these organizations provide advocacy and wellness supports for specific populations in need such as parents, children, young adults, older adults, people in the criminal justice system and veterans and their families.

The FCN TA Center supports these organizations using a wide range of technical assistance approaches (webinars, discussion groups, written resources, one-on-one consulting) to strengthen the Networks by meeting the specific needs of grantees in numerous critical areas including data reporting, network enhancement, organizational leadership building and development.

The FCN TA Center:

  • Hosts a learning community among Statewide Family and Consumer Networks and other stakeholders that fosters an environment of change and service system transformation by promotion of recovery-driven, consumer/family-centered, culturally competent, and results-oriented activities.
  •  Works to create innovative solutions to assist with the development and successful implementation of Statewide Family and Consumer Network strategic plans.
  • Uses existing knowledge and information and disseminates this information to the national community of Statewide Family and Consumer Networks, service providers, policymakers, and researchers.

2013 Statewide Family Network Grantees

2013 Statewide Consumer Network Grantees